
Monday Afternoon Open

Carridine1/19/2009 4:39:45 pm PST

“High on a hill stood a fat, rich moonbat…”
Ladle out the money ladle out to me!
“Climate is warming! screamed the moonbat”
Ladle out the money out to me!

Armed with his factoids and his movie
Later I will ladle out the dough to me!
Gore was adored and he thought it groovy
Later I can ladle it to me!

Must pass laws! Yes, we can! We can do it!
Ladle out the money ladle out to me!
Rationality? Logic? Screw it!
Ladle out the money to me!

Oh, oh! Label on the lefties!
Oh, oh! Label on the right!
Oh, oh! Lifting Lord O’bama
Marching into years of night!

What a duet for Reid and Pelosi!
Later we will ladle out the dough to we!
Now the duet’s an unholy trio!
Ladle out the dough to me!

*Sound of Moonbats*