
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Dark_Falcon11/18/2009 8:09:30 pm PST

re: #738 Walter L. Newton

Obama is in chaos right now. As a lawyer, he know better, but as the “king of the world,” he is pandering to the rest of the planet, trying not to look like Bush. And he promises the world action on climate change and then he backs off that. At home, he can’t even make sure he is counting job “created/save/or made up out of whole cloth.” He’s getting push back from his own party on health care and to top it off, no matter what he does about troops, he’s going to piss someone off.

This is why people like Ludwig are loosing it. All this hope and change bullshit has become hopeless and changeless… and the progressives feel like they got fucked… and guess what, they did.

Too bad, so sad.

The real wonder is that they were delusional enough to believe that Obama could actually live up to the hype. What’s the sound of a liberal running face first into the wall we call reality?