
Wednesday Afternoon Change Locus

NY Nana1/28/2009 4:40:30 pm PST

re: #749 Pietr

Are we related? ;) NY Grampa was at Devens also, for 3 weeks.

Re drivers? Yes, NJ is awful…oldest son and his family live there. I hate it. And the NJTP? Feh! One of my son’s mother in law says she hides under the dashboard as soon as the sign on the GWB says NJ!

NY drivers aren’t that bad in our area (near the CT border) aren’t all that bad, or maybe I am just used to them.

Ahh, London! The first time I was there, staying with friends, as daughter spent her junior year there, and ventured from the ‘burbs into the West End on my own? I nearly was hit by a bus, as I looked the wrong way before crossing the road! A few Londoners grabbed me, and pulled me back! Now I can’t go anymore…disabled, but it was actually funny..each time I went, when I came back (after a month staying with our friend), I would nearly get run over here!

Have you been back since a part of Oxford St. was pedestrianized? My husband would rent a car to make it easier for me, and it really was amazing..with the handicap tag, that is allowed in London, and the rest of England, we were able to drive all the way down the street. They also allow free parking, etc., as does Toronto.

I am of part English maternal Granddad was an East Ender.

With the amount of Jew hate now? I would not go back if I were able to. It is not the London I knew. It hurts so much.

We can’t do that in NYC! They require a special permit from a Board there.