
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

mich-again8/05/2009 8:27:36 pm PDT

re: #715 3 wood

One fix is to reduce oil consumption enough to cause a glut and a price crash. It would only take maybe a 5% drop in consumption to make that happen. But forget about replacing the fleet, that will take too long. We need quick easy fixes like having school districts go to a 4-day week to save 20% of their fuel use, get all the municipalities to time the red-green lights to keep traffic flowing without all the stops and starts, plan highway construction projects to eliminate the bottleneck traffic jams, have the post office go to 4 days delivery per week, those kind of solutions. Of course there is the natural correction in that as fewer people work and travel our fuel consumption will naturally drop, but we need to do more than just that. And of course increasing our own domestic supply of oil would do that as well but I’m not holding my breath for that to happen.