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iceweasel2/03/2010 5:42:18 am PST

re: #751 iceweasel

Whoa, what? No it doesn’t at all.

Yoi can’t escape one mystery by replacing with another. You can’t pop in ‘the will of God’ and ‘that which is outside’s God’s will” like the latter is some mystical black box.

This is Plato! The euthyphro.

Sorry, should say more — I mean, is something holy or pious because the gods love it? Or do they love it because it IS holy or pious?

If the gods love it because it’s already holy or pious, why do we need gods?
If they endow it with those qualities by loving it, couldnt they have loved others, say murder, and therefore make those holy or pious?
That’s the euthyphro dilemma.