
A Few Facts About the Bush White House and Iraq Troop Withdrawal

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)6/15/2014 12:48:47 pm PDT

In other news - look for Glenn Greenwald’s head to a-splode, as even Silicon Valley types start talking OUT LOUD about how what the NSA collects about us pales in comparison to the “stalker economy” of Silicon Valley. Check out Al fricken Gore

Even more surprising: Gore’s readiness to talk about the dangers posed by Surveillance Valley’s for-profit surveillance business model.

After explaining that excessive government spying is detrimental to our democracy, he pivoted — unprovoked — to the private sector:

Al Gore: Okay, so governments — that’s one threat. But, business are collecting way more information than they should. We now have a stalker economy where customers become products. And I’m not the first one to say that.

Heresy! Everyone knows that the US gubmint is the real villain, always and forever, and that the friendly media corporations that sign checks to the Greenwald are pure as the driven snow…