
David J. Shulkin Says He Was Fired Because He Opposes Privatizing the VA

CongoJack3/29/2018 1:00:10 pm PDT

Hey Happy,
Sorry I didnt reply in the other thread - went off to lunch. The Rockies are OK but I was born/raised in Kansas and have many fond memories of listening to Royals games with my Grandma. Thus still a Royals fan. It also helps that if there is a worse owner than the Royals it is the Rockies (imho - all because of the product on the field vs the money they make even if the team is horrible).

Also my wife is a teacher at a school that bares the name of the owners of the team so they get special Rockies day where the mascot comes in and the owner comes in. My wife said hi to the owner as he came into her room and he immediately said, ‘don’t ask me for money’ which she was not going to do. The owning family is known for being conservative pricks.