
And Now, Yet Another Excellent Acoustic Guitarist: Van Larkins, "Raven Mire"

William Lewis10/06/2018 4:53:24 pm PDT

re: #71 uriel

When you add in the availably of firearms, that is definRrloaditely true, especially if you’re looking to get proficient rather than just being able to say “I has gun.” I bought a 357 a while back on a fluke (some cop was selling it for $100 or so), which I took to a range a couple of times before I realized I didn’t have $90 to spare every time I wanted to send a reasonable amount of rounds down the lane. Now it just sits around collecting dust.

My bow, on the other hand, I can plink around with for hours and never need to buy a new arrow.

reloading. I can afford much more shooting that way :)