
Joe Bonamassa Live at the Sydney Opera House: "Drive"

Anymouse 🌹🏑😷9/29/2019 5:16:33 am PDT

(with video from YouTube, 1:54)

WATCH: Massive Elk Attacks Two Visitors, Damages Truck In A Colorado Park (Goes to Huffington Post)

It is elk mating season in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska. Male elk are very aggressive at this time.

A couple was attacked by a bull elk in Estes Park when crowds gathered to look at the elk in the park. (Note: Wild animals are wild. Stay a long distance away from them, no matter how cute you think they are.)

A park ranger rushed ahead with a pickup truck to put it between the elk and the man and woman on the ground being attacked. The elk then attacked the pickup truck.

Plenty of gawkers were standing around as they were being attacked, unsure what to do (and breaking out cell phones to make videos, such as the one in the HP article. Side note, isn’t there criminal penalties on the books yet for vertical video?)