
Under Fire for Inappropriate Comments to Women, Chris Matthews Abruptly Retires From MSNBC's "Hardball"

Targetpractice3/02/2020 6:18:46 pm PST

re: #69 Mattand

Seriously. That site I referenced earlier is similar to that. The denizens really seem to think that Bernie is somehow going to magically swat away every anti-Semitic, commie pinko-implying mudslinging Cult 45 throws at him, and our oh-so-astute voting public will see the light.

I’m not saying Sanders is unelectable but they really seem to think (and I’m guessing by extension, the Sandman himself) that Bernie is just gonna landslide his way into the White House.

I really wonder if they really know what a world of hurt is around the corner. That oppo book from 2016 that that journalist saw keeps popping in my head.

Too many of them genuinely believe that Bernie can walk to the WH on Trump Hate alone, so they can fly their freak flag all the way to November and suffer no negative consequences for doing so.