
Palin: Ignorant and Proud of It

Talking Point Detective1/27/2011 12:47:47 pm PST

re: #61 Fozzie Bear

That they are delusional is beside the point. The middle class is taking it up the ass right now, and if you don’t have any real understanding of why that is happening, it makes sense (on a visceral level) to identify with other pissed off people.

Have you ever been really really pissed off, and had someone very calmly try to tell you that you are getting worked up over nothing? It doesn’t go over well.

Sure - more people are out of work since Obama took office, but is the quality of life for your average Palin-supporter really significantly worse than it was prior to January 2008?

Where was their deeply felt “outrage” about “tyranny” at that point?

I just don’t believe that the majority of her supporters are angry about anything other than a deluded feeling of persecution - at the hands of heathenish socialists. I don’t think they were pissed off, and then found a target.

I think they first found their target and then found their anger.

Real wages for the middle class have been stagnant for decades. They’ve been working longer hours with less time off and had no more discretionary income to show for it for quite a while. Why do they suddenly have this need to identify with others who are viscerally pissed off?