
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

Lidane2/10/2011 12:41:36 pm PST

re: #42 Naso Tang

I can believe that poll, but I also believe that a majority in Iran don’t want the Mullahs running their country, so dismissing the MB as irrelevant for this reason alone is not a good idea.

I don’t think anyone is dismissing the MB as irrelevant. However, that poll pushes back against the right-wing paranoia that our only options in Egypt are Mubarak or the MB.

I have a friend who is Egyptian. She’s on the phone daily with friends and family in Cairo, and everything she keeps talking about with respect to life on the ground there right now says that for the Egyptian people, this isn’t about the MB or imposing religious law. It’s about getting rid of Mubarak and having a real choice in who will lead them, and a real voice in their country’s future. It’s nice to see a poll bear that out.