
Ron Paul Pines for the Good Old Days of the Galveston Hurricane

nines098/28/2011 11:45:22 am PDT

re: #57 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Are they ever. I lost count of self serving TP and GOP dipsticks ranting about “other people” or my favorite; “Some People”. They never quite get paid enough but everyone else is paid too much. Love that government check but everyone else is a tick on society. Would welcome the fall of public education and who needs the EPA and biz should be able to do whatever biz wants to do and the minimum wage should be 2 bucks cause poor people really ain’t poor like the real poor people around the world. They got it too easy. Never walked a foot hungry or cold, and never thought a person down on his luck was anything but a bum. Dipshit morons.