
Fickle GOP Voters Now Tiring of Newt

Nyet1/28/2012 3:18:59 pm PST
The worst quest I’ve seen so far in Skyrim is a Daedric Lord’s demand that, in exchange for a suit of heavy ebony armor, I should deceive my companion into accompanying me to a remote mountain peak, where I was supposed to magically trap her, torture her, and then kill her, just to show how ruthless and evil I was.

I passed on that one! I like to play goody-goody characters. But in Skyrim, the factions are all so murky and dark, that you can’t help doing things that are ethically questionable. It’s for the greater good, I always tell myself, as I kill the 100th idealistic Stormcloak soldier with a big hammer blow to the nose.

by Timaeus on Sat Jan 28, 2012 at 12:09:06 PM PST