
Chimp of the Day

itellu3times4/18/2009 8:06:08 am PDT

re: #729 jcm

That’s another theory to base it on, the “moral” argument. But again (and just to be a tad argumentative) it assumes the peons can’t make their own, that the have takes from the have nots. The taking may be opportunity or product, the assumption of; Because the Haves have, the have nots don’t have is still there.

That argument certainly gets made, but it doesn’t have to be - the difference can speak for itself, without cause. Indeed, I suppose I’ve heard arguments (from current democrats - Obama?) that the redistribution leads to an *increased* sum of happiness, economic output, etc. Might even be some truth to that - if done with care and moderation, after all it sort of does describe our entire government system which, overall, seems to work reasonably well, Paulians to the contrary! But like any tool or machine it can be misused, in the hands of idiots.