
Jindal on 60 Minutes

pink freud3/02/2009 7:10:16 pm PST

re: #731 doppelganglander

Maybe you should run for office. It sounds like you’re a very effective communicator.

I take ‘em in small chunks and just enjoy the hell out of it, DG’er. I LOVE it! You guys here have been a godsend for me. There’s so much info here, so many facts, so many opinions that help me when I get rolling. I appreciate it more than you guys know. I spend most of my time on campus surrounded by that academic liberal mindset, which means I am not challenging the entitlement crowd, I am challenging the tax payers and the rich kids. Easier, in a way; some can be reached with rational arguments.

Run for office ….. I know, you’re not the first to tell me that. I am considering it.