
What, Me Worry?

buzzdroid3/28/2009 5:17:56 pm PDT

re: #740 LudwigVanQuixote

I am unfortunately going to have to type something and then run for a bit.

I do wish to leave some thoughts though.

1. Forget about AGW for a moment, using less power and trying to keep the environment clean has merit in it’s own right if only because you are making the nation less dependent on foreign sources of energy, conserving your money - oh and making it so that your kids have things like clean air and water - so they will do such crazy moonbat things as live longer healthier lives.

2. Forget about all of the hype that the liberal media pumps into shoddy reporting about AGW, climate change is still real. Deforestation is real. Destruction of habitats from construction and deforestation is real. Perhaps it is a moonbat idea, but I would like it if my kids had things like tigers and dolphins in the world with them.

3. Forget about all of the negative images of hippies for a minute. I hate seeing garbage on my streets. It is not such a bad thing to recycle or to live in a plce that does not look like a sewer.

Sorry to offend anyone, but actually not shitting where you live is a good idea.

i dont disagree with anything you have said. all very sensible.
my problem with the ecofascists is not the “eco” bit - its the very strong “fascist” element.

the communists havent gone away - they’ve just changed their colour from red to green. THATS what i have a problem with.