
Saturday Afternoon Open

legalpad7/11/2009 7:47:25 pm PDT

re: #714 Lawrior

You knw you live in Austin when
1. Directions from anywhere to anywhere start with “Whatever you do, don’t get on I35”
2. You know that anyone wearing pants in November is just visiting from Ohio.
3. A woman walks on The Drag with live poultry …You don’t notice.
4. You start to worry when you don’t see the cross-dressing, bearded guy in-a-tutu- and- bikini-top-who-has-made- a-statement-with-his-grocery-cart-and- cardboard-box-art/shelter on your way to work in the morning. Scarier yet, you know his name is name is actually Leslie.
5.You’ll make dinner or bar plans around who’s got the best margaritas or queso.
6.Your co-worker tells you they have 8 body piercings or tattoos but none are visible.

Are you doing your part to Keep Austin Weird?