
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

Cineaste3/25/2010 9:27:11 am PDT

re: #11 Bagua

A perfectly innocent political statement, no worse than burning a cross on his front lawn, or leaving a noose hanging from the tree.

The right wing is defending threats of violence explicitly by saying “hey, they’re just threats…”

Check this out from Powerline:

We condemn political violence in virtually all circumstances; certainly in all circumstances that could arise in our democracy. Threats of violence, sadly, are not uncommon in politics; let alone “harassment.” Even insignificant conservatives like us have been threatened with violence on several occasions, and the linked article notes that Jim Bunning received threats after he temporarily held up the extension of unemployment benefits a few weeks ago.

The current threats (assuming they are real, as I assume some of them are) are being played up in the press because the Democrats want to dampen the anger that has erupted over their adoption of a government medicine program through a series of legislative maneuvers that are in some respects unprecedented.


As for the threats, we will take them more seriously if they result in the cancellation of a public appearance by a liberal due to security concerns. But that never happens to liberals, only to conservatives. It happened again last night. That was in Canada, of course; the home of government medicine and little regard for free speech. No coincidence, that.

Didn’t Coulter cancel because she didn’t like that there would be protestors at her event, not that her life was threatened?