
California Parents Buying Anti-Vaccination Hoaxes

sleepyone3/31/2009 6:07:39 pm PDT

re: #162 NukeAtomrod

No, but the new age hippie-types do go in for the natural healing=good medical science=bad in very high proportions. The registered nurse/childbirth instructor that my wife and I were required to see suggested aromatherapy, reflexology and sage smudging, but discouraged vaccinations and circumcision. I’m glad that the mandatory class only cost 30 bucks.

Ha, I have heard the same shit from the couple I mentioned in my post at #709. They too are crazy left, new agey and when their (unvaccinated) son developed a loss of hearing and needed to have tubes put in his ears to drain the fluid they instead took him to a chiropractor! I didn’t even know they could “crack” your ears! Coincidentally I had this exact same procedure of tubes put into my ears as a youngster and it was like magic for me. For months I couldn’t hear so well and after the procedure I could hear so well that I felt like Superman. I tried to convince my friend that he is only hurting his son by not having the tubes. Finally after weeks and weeks of taking his son to a quack he relented under the advice of their pediatrician and got them. His son’s hearing and demeanor changed instantly and he now knows he was wrong about that at least.