
Even Trump's Aides Are Worried He's Going to Embarrass Himself and America at the G20 Meeting

Lupin7/06/2017 2:49:19 am PDT

re: #74 JordanRules

Does the media model in non-US Western media outlets support this type of reporting more than it does here?

I do think these stories being covered abroad means a few things that are likely very significant. Just not sure what they are yet. I’m so fascinated by it too.

I’m also figuring there is vast cooperation between the NATO member intelligence agencies as you mentioned.

Stretching this out, the world will have to recalculate a lot. Power shifts with this incredible American credibility gap are super amplified.

I think French media are (still) less “look! squirrel!” (UP reference)-oriented than US media. I take the fact that such matters as Trump’s connection to Russian money-laundering and his cognitive problems are now being reported in EU MSM as a significant clue that it has moved beyond “gossip” and is now being treated as “hard news”. And very likely even more so by the Powers-That-Be.

It is now official that Angela Merkel has written off the US as a reliable ally, and I suspect Macron has some kind of cunning plan (BLACK ADDER reference) to bamboozle Trump at the July 14 meeting. (He may be overestimating himself, but I suspect he’s going to try something.)

It is clear here that your Congress is acting alone, mostly trying to loot your country, while the Executive power is at best in disarray, at worst mired in internecine conflicts, led by a cognitively—impaired narcissist. My suspicion is that many will try to take advantage of this to variously loot or diminish the US, with varying degrees of success.