
Tuesday Night Jam: Glen Hansard, "Roll on Slow"

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·2/28/2018 6:19:03 am PST

re: #72 dangerman

I should have been clearer..itā€™s early yet

Public accommodation laws excepted
And I was speaking strictly of the 2a which is pretty clear in the subject

Itā€™s silent on acquiring

Itā€™s late for me (the sun is already up so itā€™s past my bedtime). I fully expect someone to draw that comparison though.

Libertarians today (and conservatives since they came about) have always opposed public accommodation laws.

The argument I give when someone says something like ā€œwell, if that business doesnā€™t want you, the free market/liberty/name somethingā€ says you can take your business elsewhere.

Thatā€™s great. Iā€™m an atheist in a town where everyone knows Iā€™m an atheist. If the general store here refuses me service because of religious beliefs, I am forced to go to one of two stores in the county seat sixteen miles away, where everyone also knows Iā€™m an atheist. If they also refuse me service, Iā€™m forced to go to Sidney or Scottsbluff, sixty miles away (and some people know me in both those places).

The reality of ā€œthe right to refuse service to anyoneā€ means I could be forced to go shopping for groceries at the Air Force base in Cheyenne 130 miles away.