
Full Sherrod Video Sent to NAACP

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/20/2010 12:25:15 pm PDT

So one other note about how messed up this is. Rush Limbaugh routinely says things that are blatantly racist and horrible. The right wing blogosphere is full of naked ugliness. Yet a woman who ultimately did right - above and beyond the call of duty - to a man who had started out racist towards her, decades ago - gets smeared.

Where are the cries of it was satire?

OF course, she did what was right even after someone had wronged her with attitude. She is to blame. The Administration and the NAACP knee jerk into the defense when they should have played offence against these hypocritical, wretched cretins.

The cretins at Fox will turn *that* into the story.

And honestly *that* is part of the story in as much as the good guys do not realize just how much of a street fight they are in and they have no clue how to win it. All they have accomplished is to look weak and to stab one of their own, a good and innocent woman, reflexively. Now the damage is worse, because the average person will not look at the facts.

This will get legs as the story turns to focus on Obama. Fox wins either way. If the story is promoting the original lie, they get to pump the blacks are coming for your white bottom meme. If it is about how the administration unfairly pressured her and the NAACP jumped the gun to condemn her - then they have put two black eyes on their real targets by making both look foolish.

Had Obama and the NAACP shown some restraint and some spine, they could have come out with the unedited tapes and just crucified Breitbart and Fox from the start and shown who the real racist manipulators are. As it is now, they have utterly fumbled.

This is exactly the way that Israel loses the PR war.