Comment Directors' Anti-Abortion Threat: 'Repudiate the Supreme Court with Mass Bloodshed'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/23/2011 12:04:00 pm PST

re: #64

As for the sex - the weird thing is - folks don’t mind the illicit sex so much as long as nobody shows any evidence of it. A pregnancy is just such evidence, and the thing is, the condition of being pregnant is in no way sinful in any religion that I know of.

Exactly. Not to mention, of course, the standard huge amount of sexism. Sure, people talk about ‘deadbeat dads’, but it’s nothing compared to the vilification of women who are inattentive mothers— and unfairly, women who put their children up for adoption are often put in this category.

The statistics on this are easy: women make up the massive majority of single-parent households, and even non-custodial women— those where the father is raising the child, or a relative is— remain involved in their children’s lives at rates approaching 100%.

Only women can get pregnant. Only women can have to make the heartbreaking decision to get an abortion, to bear the child and give it up, or to raise it themselves when they may feel unprepared.

Instead of vilifying them for any of these choices, our society should support them as best we can. What’s more important than mothers and children?