
Fortune Obtains Bain Documents 'Supporting' Romney

Targetpractice7/12/2012 2:18:17 pm PDT

re: #76 Condescending Snotty Jaun Williams Elitist

I don’t know why the right is so eager to distance Romney from this. They are the ones who are always going on and on about Free Markets and how pro corporation and business they are. He was running a big company that he was in charge of making sure it made a good profit and in order for company’s like that to make the profits that give right wingers and especially Libertarians wet dreams, they outsource. Thats how it has been for a while now. That’s what Corporations do. Why are they all of a sudden upset about outsourcing?

They’re ticked off that “outsourcing” is considered a dirty word and think people who get upset when it comes up are ignoring the reality of the global economy.