
Overnight Open Thread

aboo-Hoo-Hoo4/05/2009 8:10:03 am PDT

The NYSlimes on Obama Urges Nuclear Arms Reduction

[…] Obama said his goal of ”a world without nuclear weapons” won’t be reached soon, ”perhaps not in my lifetime.”

But he said the United States, with one of the world’s largest arsenals and the only nation to have used an atomic bomb, has a ”moral responsibility” to start taking steps now.
It is not only a lofty goal. Gary Samore, Obama’s arms control coordinator, said the plan has a strategic aim: to give the U.S. extra leverage in opposing the pursuit of nuclear arms in adversarial countries such as North Korea and Iran. ”We are trying to seek the moral high ground,” Samore said.

Devoting an entire speech to the longtime ”no nukes” cause of the political left is more popular in Europe than in the United States. Obama signaled he would allow not allow America to become more vulnerable, saying that surrendering nuclear weapons must be a global all-for-one, or not-at-all, endeavor.

Could someone please translate the NYSlimeSpeak, ‘…he would allow not allow America to become more vulnerable….’ for me or is this just keeping all options open?

But the following is interesting if it can be believed that it stands alone and without the date-stamped umm, umm, umm, ahh, ah, ah, I…I…I, me, me, me qualifiers Obummer so typically uses,

He also gave his most unequivocal pledge yet to proceed with a missile defense system in Europe while Iran pursues nuclear weapons, as the West alleges. That shield is to be based in the Czech Republic and Poland. Those countries are on Russia’s doorstep, and the move has contributed to a significant decline in U.S.-Russia relations.

In the interest of resetting ties with Moscow, Obama previously had appeared to soft-pedal his support for the Bush-era shield proposal. But he adopted a different tone in Prague.

”As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defense system that is cost-effective and proven,” Obama said, earning cheers from the crowd.

This was in part a message to Russia, which has balked at using its influence to press Iran to drop its nuclear pursuits.

…maybe I need the latest bus schedule?