
Overnight Open Thread

haakondahl6/13/2009 8:21:35 am PDT

re: #751 realwest

Well first of all Anti-Semitism isn’t racial bigotry it’s relgious bigotry.
And secondly, as much as I respect Salamantis, I would take issue with his statement. Kindly remember that the Democratic Party ruled the South when it tried to leave the Union, the Democratic Party (you know, the party of FDR, LBJ et. al.) ran the South up through the late 1960’s with their fucking Jim Crow Laws and Voter Literacy tests and the Dem’s ran Arkansas when Ike threated to sic the 82dn Airborne on Governor Orville Faubus for defying the SCOTUS in Brown v. Board of Education. Moreover the Dems ran the (mostly) Northern Cities like Boston who tried to defy bussing as a means to achieving racial segregation.
And I sincerely doubt that there was a racist bone in either Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley, Jr. or John McCain’s bodies.
OTOH, It’s apparent at least to me that there is a lot of racism -black vs white on the part of some notable figures today, e.g., “Rev.” Jeremiah Wright and Obama getting something over 95% of the Black American vote.
It’s a problem with painting with such a broad brush, IMO.

Well, my friend, good luck convincing Sal. Perhaps Goldwater, Buckley, and McCain were not True Rightists, or were ignorant of their own motives.

I’m not going to get into all the dinging and name-calling, but I thought that Sal had a pretty good debate partner last night. Evenly matched.