
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

ShanghaiEd6/26/2009 8:26:05 pm PDT

re: #768 Bagua

OK, I’ll look into it. In the meantime, the almost complete absence of any funded or published research that disputes AGW is in itself very revealing. It would seem impossible to allege that no species, no ecosystem, no social group can benefit from increased warming, yet there the research and papers are almost non-existent. This is highly suspicious at the least.

Not sure I understand the logic of that, Bagua. If you have evidence that a catastrophe is down the road and needs preventing, why would you spend time and money to determine who would be affected least by the catastrophe? Seems to me those folks would be relatively fine, research or not.

Example: giant asteroid predicted to hit my home state, 2014, and I’m in charge of minimizing the damage. Guy comes to me wanting funding for a study that shows some people may actually benefit from the strike? I don’t doubt it a bit, and I’m sure he’s got an interesting theoretical point, but I’m probably not going to write him a check.