
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

ShanghaiEd6/26/2009 8:37:25 pm PDT

re: #771 Bagua

…Lastly, humans are motivated through bias, emotions and cultural pressures. How many people go into “climate studies” because they want to save the polar bears and help the planet. If you’ve not spoken with a college student lately you may be surprised by the degree of passion. The motivation is never to research, it’s always to save or help.

I agree with your premise, but not the conclusion you draw from it. I suspect most doctors and scientists go into the field with idealistic intentions, but they’re quickly educated that faking or distorting evidence is not permissible under any circumstances. It can be a matter of life or death, and has killed many a career. I don’t buy that there’s an army of AGW promoters willing to risk their careers to bend the evidence.