
Barney Frank Surrenders to the Paulians

shortshrift8/31/2009 2:42:03 pm PDT

re: #754 LudwigVanQuixote

Ok it is very simple.

1. AGW is the biggest threat to the world right now.

Obama is taking the wrong measures now, but he might be convincible to do something better.

Palin and Huckabee don’t believe it exists.

2. Obama may have terrible foreign policy, but he at least respects the notion that the President does not have unlimited power, and he has read the constitution.

Palin and Huckabee, don’t believe the Constitution should hinder their style, and Palin in particular does not understand it on even the most basic level as revealed in interview after interview.

3. Palin and Huckabee are stupid fear mongering populists who have no scruple against fermenting the worst sorts of anti-Americanism from Americans themselves. Obama does not do this.

How do not see the callous danger that the GOP is fermenting in the crazy sphere, by making crazy mainstream?

Yes, with these climatic and political fears, I would recommend that you vote for Obama. Hoping for change would be comforting psychologically.