
Pat Robertson Says Satanic Covens Use Facebook to Put Curses on Fetuses

CuriousLurker2/17/2015 1:04:37 pm PST

OT Drive-by - This speaks volumes about the current types of people being attracted to “jihadi” terrorism:

“I wanted jihad before I became a Muslim,” Nuttall says in the video, which was played for the jury.

“I just wanted justice. … When 9/11 happened, I became really interested with these people.” […]

The Crown alleges Nuttall and Korody, who were recent converts to Islam, built pressure-cooker bombs and then placed them on the front lawn of the legislature in Victoria hours before Canada Day festivities. The RCMP ensured the bombs were inert, the Crown says.

The court hasn’t heard when Nuttall and Korody converted, but Nuttall suggests he came to Islam already looking for violence.

“The first thing I said when I converted is, ‘How do I worship my God?’” Nuttall says in the video.

“And my second question was, ‘Where is my gun? Let’s go do jihad.” […]

More: Accused B.C. terrorist wanted ‘jihad’: trial