
Sunday Night Jam: Leon Bridges, "Smooth Sailin'"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/13/2015 7:47:46 pm PST

re: #75 Mattand

I’d have to go back and review the thread, but I believe one regular here come this close to white-splaining the whole thing.

I’m geniunely surprised I haven’t seen more of that in general, but I’ve purged my social media of the idiots who do that stuff.

If you’re talking about what I think you are, what I saw was an attempt to distant the “honorable” Scalia from CCJ. I pretty much pointed out that Scalia is worse than CCJ since Scaia’s been directly impacting our nation’s laws through his assholish behavior and bigoted beliefs for longer than CCJ and I have been alive. I mean as obnoxious as CCJ as is, I see him as a mere booger as opposed to the ass pimple I see Scalia. Our children will be looking at Scalia’s whinefest over SSM being legalized. CCJ OTOH is a name that will be quickly forgotten. In fact, I wager to you that I’ll have forgotten who the guy is in a few years.