
Video: State Troopers Arrest Intoxicated Armed Man on His Way to Join the Bundy Militia

Scout1/26/2016 3:34:27 am PST

re: #74 Nojay UK

Quick question — in what way was Patton an outstanding general? What did he achieve in his career that would have people rate him as successful? I don’t recall anything in particular, was there something in his pre-WWII career that was a standout?

Eisenhower had him bang to rights, making him the head of the fake Army structure that attempted to deceive the Germans before the Normandy invasions.

It’s a funny thing about generals. Sometimes you have to measure their success in ways that don’t necessarily add up in simple facts and figures.

Just one anecdotal example: A Canadian friend once told me that his grandfather was a foot soldier in WWII who served under Montgomery. He said his grandfather “absolutely loved Monty” and he told my friend (his grandson) he would have been willing to do anything for Montgomery — storm a machine gun nest single-handed, take on a German tank with his bare hands … you get the idea.

The ability of a general to inspire his troops shouldn’t be overlooked.