
Video: Seth Meyers on Trump's Week of Unprecedented Corruption Scandals and ... The Space Force

Joe Bacon ✅8/09/2018 7:35:41 pm PDT

Well as a Federal Civil Servant who started as a Stay In Schooler under Ford, I grade the Presidents I’ve served under:

Ford C
Carter C (because he railed against “big government”, pushed deregulation and began the weakening of the Civil Service with the “reform” act of 1978.
Reagan F (Corruption, letting Millken run wild, S&L’s looted, Iran-Contra, cut Social Security staffing by 1/3)
Old Man Bush B (He pushed for locality pay, tried to undo some of the damage Reagan did to our agency but increased our Civil Service deduction from 7% to 9%))
Clinton B+ (Purged ideologues from SSA, Ordered OPM to do a performance audit which reassessed our positions to higher grade levels)
Dumbya F(Pay freezes, limited locality pay raises, gave us new workloads such as Medicare D and didn’t hire additional staff)
Obama C (Froze our pay 3 years in a row, signed off on Social Security cuts, signed a bill cutting pensions for people under the old Civil Service system. Increased the amount workers pay into their pension system and didn’t increase the benefit)
Trump Z- (Installing ideologues in the agency, crippled Federal unions, Openly talking about contracting Social Security work out to H&R Block)