
On Hating Nazis

Desert Dog5/02/2009 12:09:30 pm PDT

re: #59 Athos

I agree that he didn’t ride in on sheer hatred - but leveraged and capitalized on the BDS saddled hard left by clearly running on not being Bush. Where the President does get blowback from the hard left is that upon gaining the office and seeing a bigger picture, he appears to be resisting from embracing the demands of the hard left for witch hunts and other actions which will damage the country and office of President.

Well, besides that nationalizing of the banks, the auto industry and healthcare, spending trillions of dollars we do not have, and going around the world apologizing to everyone and bowing to or gladly shaking the hands of blood soaked dictators, he is not caving to the whims of the left.

I will give him kudos where kudos are due. He sees the light when it comes to the scumbags held down in Gitmo and he did not pull the troops our of Iraq all willy-nilly as he said would over and over and over again during the campaign.

He is not a card carrying member of the “People’s Party”, but he is the biggest lefty we’ve had in the WH for many, many years….and, he securely has both houses of the Congress…..there’s a new sheriff in town, and he does things differently. I hope we all survive the onslaught.