
News to Make Creationists' Heads Explode

zombie5/06/2009 6:12:12 pm PDT

Verrrrry interesting.

This also lends support to the controversial theory that Australian aborigines and Solomon Island natives are descended from the first out-of-Africa migration, not the second, as are most (all?) other people.

If Homo Florensis evolved on a different track than the other homo species, then it is possible that Aborigines did as well, since they are so close geographically.

If true, however, it would mean that Aborigines are not exactly the same species as homo sapiens sapiens, but rather a sub-species — the step beyond being merely a different “ethnicity.”

Needless to say, you can see how this theory is extremely controversial. There is much evidence supporting both sides of the debate.

The fact that Aborigines and non-Aborigines can combine to be make offspring prove that they are either the same species or very closely related, but it does not preculde the possibility that they are the last surviving “pure humans.”