
Science Committee Member Broun: Evolution, Embryology, Big Bang Are 'Lies From the Pit of Hell'

Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi10/05/2012 12:58:49 pm PDT

re: #63 dragonath

For people who don’t want to follow every single one of those links above:

Ralph Hall and Jim Sensenbrenner are climate change denialists.
Lamar Smith is pro-SOPA.
Dana Rorhabacher believes we should clear cut rain forests.
Randy Neubegauer is an anti-abortion extremist.
Michael McCaul has a 0% voting record on animals from the Humane Society.
Sandy Adams is a creationist.
Scott Rigell voted for the “No Climate Tax Pledge” and espouses US “sovereignity”
Steven Pallazo is a Americans for Properity shill.
Mo Brooks and Andy Harris are climate denialists.
Randy Hultgren is a creationist.
Chris Craavack is against climate education funding.
Larry Bucshon is also a climate denialist.

and Dan Benishek?

And this is why it makes no sense, under current circumstances, to “vote the person, not the party”. So what if your local Republican congressional candidate is a fine, upstanding sort? If you vote for him/her, you’re just voting to give the Not-From-This-Reality Party continued control over the operations of Congress.