
Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts

Donna Ballard1/19/2010 8:34:21 pm PST

re: #748 Mayor of Shadyville

running on a platform driven by populist resentment with a main plank of “killing” health insurance reform.

Thats one way of putting it. Or you could say stopping the Democratic plan of throwing the country deeper into debt than the last 8 years already has. Or you could say stopping the Democratic plan of molding the current health care system to a more Medicare style 3rd party (our tax dollars) payer system. You know, because our government has such a good track record of solving problems both foreign (Iraq) and domestic (poverty).
Let’s put into the lap of the likes Stuart Smalley (Al Franken) and Cy Young (Jim Bunning) decisions that need to be made that will directly effect my well being when I’m at my most vulnerable point!
I’m a conservative, and a registered Republican, and I vote and all that jazz because that’s what we’re supposed to do. I’m going to be honest I wouldn’t put Mitch McConnell or Christopher Dodd in charge of picking up my dry cleaning, let alone the conditions of my health plan.
Good for whoever this guy is, he won an election, I truly wish him well. But he’s just another name on the roll of a kaleidoscope of special interest groups. If he’s lucky he’ll get big money from (insert lobbyist here) and be able to vote (insert yea or nay) to some random bill that has his pet project tucked away on pages 436 through 438 that no one will ever read and (insert either this president, or your guess at the next president in 2017) will undoubtably sign as he tells us with a straight face that he’s going to reign in spending.
Goodnight everybody, I am now exhausted.

I was almost beginning to thinks no one out there would admit to being a conservative Republican! You give me hope! Sigh, and now I have to come out of the closet. Yes, I’m one too!