
Good News From the GOP's War on Science: Textbook Publishers Resisting Pressure From Texas Creationists

ausador10/20/2013 12:53:00 am PDT

Hmm…I was just re-reading the story of Moses (Exodus) and something occurred to me that I had never noticed before. God must have really hated Egyptian livestock…

He exterminated all the horses, donkeys, camels, sheep, and goats belonging to the Egyptians with the 5th plague of Egypt (pestilence).

Then with the 7th plague (hail of fire) he killed all of them again (livestock of the fields).

Then with the 10th plague (angel of death) God re-killed the firstborn of all the already twice deceased livestock.

Then according to Exodus after letting the Jewish slaves go Pharaoh changed his mind. So he and his army hitched their apparently twice (or thrice) killed horses up to their chariots and took off after them…

But remember kiddies, the bible is the inerrant word of God!
