
Sean Hannity Interviews an "Expert" on the Murder of Steve Sotloff: Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson

sagehen9/02/2014 10:04:37 pm PDT

re: #73 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi

In theory it should. But there are always ways around inconvenient details. The original text doesn’t say “the fetus dies”, it says “her fruit departs from her”. It’s relatively easy to fiddle with the translation to minimize the impact of this. For example, the New English Translation turns this into “… her child is born prematurely, but there is no serious injury.”

That new translation (circa 1996) is total bullshit.

Every translator who’s read those texts, for 2000 years, Christians and Jews and Muslims and atheists, all knew it was talking about miscarriage (with no other injury to the woman in question).