
Ahmadinejad Demands Apology from Obama

zombie6/25/2009 10:26:54 am PDT

Ay caramba. Now I’ve opened a can of worms. I did a seemingly light-hearted story on zomblog about a tile mosaic outside a Berkeley private school — and now Fox News is picking up the story and publicizing the mosaic nationwide!

Not sure how the private school will react to having the public spotlight focused directly on them and their communist tiles, but I suspect they’ll be none too happy about it! And they’re sure to be furious at me, as the source of the scoop.

Should I be happy or miserable about this development? My article about the tiles tried to be respectful of the students, and have some pensive insights. I suspect, however, that the Fox News version will be a little bit more intentionally inflammatory.

Fox now looks to [certain] blogs for their stories, and I’m not sure if I should be glad about that fact or not!

(And yes, in case you’re curious, they’re paying me to license the photos — which is how I know about their story ahead of time.)