
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

Gus7/06/2011 12:20:42 pm PDT

re: #786 Milty

You didn’t even bother reading the article I posted. Read it. Here’s the main points:

Suppose the per capita number of rapes in New York City is R. Then it follows that the per capita number of rapes in Oslo is 6R. Now 2/3rds of those rapes are committed by non-Western immigrants. That means in terms of ‘R‘ the per capita number of rapes due to Muslims is 4R. So, lets remove the Muslim committed rapes from the total number of rapes. To do this we do the following subtraction:

6R – 4R = R*(6-4) = 2R

What this means is that the Western immigrants and locals (read white males) are comitting rapes at a rate twice as high as in New York City on a per capita basis. Or, white males in Oslo are rather enthusiastic rapists in terms of statistical likelihood. Blaming the entire problem on Muslims and Islam is either due to ignorance or racism. I’ll go with the former as it reflects better on the people making such assertions.