
Jindal on 60 Minutes

monkeytime3/02/2009 7:15:58 pm PST

re: #709 topazpilot

Okay, so on a whim I decided to take a stroll through the sewer known as the liberal blogosphere. You know what I found? Not one single sentence devoted to the free falling stock market. Oh, if the DOW dipped half a point when Bush was in office they were declaring it the worst dip since 1929, but now that their golden messiah sits upon the ivory throne there is…crickets.

What are they talking about? Some pseudo rift between Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh. A rift they are desperately trying to create hoping that if a lie is repeated often enough then it becomes true. It’s amusing that all the scummy liberal blogs are bleating almost verbatim, which leads me to believe that they are getting their talking points from somewhere up high. Rahmbo strikes again!

As a sidenote, I find it amusing that they are trying to create these rifts amongst conservatives. First it was Rush vs. Newt, now Steele vs. Rush. It’s like their trying to sow dissension in the ranks and obscure the reality happening around us. What would that be? Oh yeah, the crumbling stock market that is occurring under the watch of the Golden One.

What I’m wondering is why the give a damn what Rush thinks/says or anything else. I’ve never spent a minute listening to NPR, watching MSNBC, watching John Stewart and The View. I could give two shits if Katie Couric said that Rahm was a jerk or whatever. Why are the libs so interested in every word from Rush’s mouth all of the sudden. I think they must be boosting his ratings. He must be laughing his ass off.