
Overnight Open Thread, with Electric Car

funky chicken9/15/2009 9:34:56 am PDT

I don’t want Americans to be in “free” competition with these kinds of things.

I actually do buy “fair trade” coffee from companies that invest in providing clean water and some education for the children of their workers, so I guess you just have to call me a socialist … or a Progressive. I’m a Theodore Roosevelt Progressive, I suppose. I see signs of a new “Gilded Age” where environmental and worker abuse are increasing, and being cheered along by supporters of unfettered capitalism like that nut Lew Rockwell at the Ludwig von Mises Institute (he says Deng Xiopeng was the biggest advocate of freedom in the 20th century. I kid you not). I also see a huge rise in “snake oil salesmen” … anti-vaxxers and herbal medicine quacks come to mind, all cheered on by that idiot Ron Paul. Oddly enough, the “health freedom” movement is also backed by Dan Burton and Orrin Hatch (Rs) and Tom Harkin (D). sigh