
Tuesday Afternoon Open

Van Helsing7/28/2009 5:32:10 pm PDT

re: #783 freetoken

Do you know what you want to do? I’m not necessarily speaking of a particular job/career, but of goals you’ve set for yourself.

No, I really enjoyed embedded systems design. Hardware, software, production test stuff…

It’s just that now the company I work seems to outsourcing the work and I just review it. When I tell them things are wrong they tell me deadlines are more important.

Looking for the kind of work I DID do, well, opportunities are spotty at best. Dunno, I’m just a bit depressed.

I know I should just man up and keep drawing a paycheck, but it becomes difficult to even get out of bed and go to work.

I don’t know what else I’d do… haven’t had to consider the question for 30 years.