
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/05/2009 9:59:53 pm PDT

re: #779 Desert Dog

What I would do, please check out my 448. Also, please spare me the mock affronted thing. There is nothing wrong with holding a liberal arts degree and I am not putting anyone down. However, I am actually qualified to talk about the science. This is because I spent many years working very hard to learn it.

Now you can be angry at that, and I am sorry, but the science is against you.

re: #782 Desert Dog

Who said he has degrees? I didn’t. So, you think An Inconvenient Truth is an accurate movie? Do you think that the oceans will rise 20-30-40 feet in our lifetime? Do you think that we are only a few years off from global catastrophe? Al Gore does…

Oh for crying out loud… The point of bringing up MIT, Princeton etc.. is that the scientists who are telling you that AGW is real are not Al Gore. Al Gore does not matter. I don’t care about how much you hate him. It doesn’t matter. He is not a scientist. He is not collecting the data.

Thousands of people with PhDs are doing that.

Also I did not say that Al Gore was right, I said that he is less wrong than Plimer.