
And Now, Trump's 3rd Party Challenger: A Raving Wingnut, of Course

The Ghost of a Flea5/31/2016 7:42:54 pm PDT

Speaking in a less Rabelaisian mode, it’s hard to notice that French represents not a difference in content, but in tone. He’s still hateful, imperious, and fundamentally uninteresting in the notion that people that disagree with him are also citizens that merit a voice.

French communicates prettier—not much of a feat, since Trump’s composition and recitation is Doge-meme-level—but he runs to exactly the same “my people are Real Americans, you all can fuck off” position.

The one notable aspect of French that differs from Trump is the French is fully engageed with the perverse, empty “religion” of the far Right…but that’s not much of a win, given the hollow theology and personality-cult structure of that cluster of sects.