
By Focusing Only on Muslims, King's Agenda is Clear

Fozzie Bear3/10/2011 12:03:34 pm PST

If someone wants to kill a lot of people and doesn’t care if he survives the effort, he will be successful some of the time. This is just an unavoidable truth. We can and should try to catch these people before they can hurt anyone, but in the end, we are only ever going to be partially successful. Some will get through, and people will die. That’s life. It’s tragic, but it’s inevitable in today’s world.

In the long term, the most effective thing we can do is enfranchise the disenfranchised, and marginalize the crazies. We have to find ways to reduce the appeal of extremist groups to those most vulnerable to their recruitment efforts.

What Rep. King is doing only makes it harder to succeed at those efforts. you don’t talk a potential radical off the ledge by telling him his religion is dangerous to society. That will just push them off the ledge into crazyland.

King isn’t just stupid, he is dangerously stupid.