
Limbaugh: Michelle Obama Booed at NASCAR Because She's 'Uppity'

albusteve11/22/2011 9:07:12 am PST

from the comments…

Yeah, typical Rush, what does it say about the collection of wife-beating, car crash porn watching, meth smoking, inbred, violent, racist, provincial, freak-show rejects that make up a typical NASCAR audience?

What kind of people boo the First Lady? Especially a First Lady who has remained out of politics and done her best not to make waves? DO you think people like Rush who exist to dehumanize people like Michelle Obama to the drooling evolutionary dead ends that comprise the NASCAR audience?

Hey, I’m sure there’s some decent human beings who go to NASCAR events, but they get drowned out by the hordes of hateful idiots who would boo a lovely and gracious mother of two, like our First Lady.

It’s not because she was “uppity”… it’s because they are low-brow hillbilly scum.