
Gallup Poll: 58% of Republicans Are Young Earth Creationists

lawhawk6/04/2012 11:26:49 am PDT

This polling came up this past Friday with Gus and I commenting about it. It’s interesting that the increase in creationists came not from the evolution with no G-d intervening group, but from those who thought that G-d played a role in evolution. It’s a radicalization among those who were already believing that G-d plays a role in worldly events and had a role in evolution.

But considering that the GOP and right wing has eschewed science and the scientific method, that evolution is supported by a preponderance of the scientific literature means precisely - nothing - to the GOP and the right wing.

In keeping with the comments of the prior thread, it’s not SSM that will be the downfall of the US, but putting the blinders on science, scientific inquiry and technology by purposefully ignoring evolution, science, and trying to push creationism in science classrooms while undermining the ability of science teachers to teach evolution to future generations of students.